FIP Relapse Policy

OUR FIP Relapse Policy

A FlP relapse occurs in approximately 3% of cats that have undergone FipRx FlP treatment program.As such, FipRx Relapse Rebate Program may cover your concerns of a relapse.

Requirements to qualify for this programme include:

  1. The relapse occurs within 12 months of completing the initial full treatment
  2. Your cat’s treatment start date and end date
  3. Final blood test results upon completion of the FipRx treatment program
  4. Amount of treatment vials and pills purchased for initial treatment were sufficient for 84 days

Many cats recover completely from FlP infections within 84 days. We appreciate your and yourveterinarian’s decision to discontinue the treatment programme early in these circumstances. Weprovide a 50% discount on relapse therapy for cats that relapse within 6 months after leaving thetreatment programme and have only utilised FipRx products.

Requirements to qualify for this programme include:

  1. The FlP relapse occurs within 6 months of completing the initial full treatment
  2. Your cat’s treatment start date and end date
  3. Final blood test results upon completion of the FipRx treatment program
  4. No invasive surgeries like neutering or vaccination within 84 days after FipRx treatment
  5. Amount of treatment vials and pills purchased for initial treatment were sufficient for 45 days